Project Description

There are specifications and product models such as high voltage AC resonance test system in this table.

Tested category Five levels
Serial numberProduct nameUnitQuanityRegulationsProduct model
OneHigh-voltage generating equipment
1DC high voltage generatorUnit 1 DC:60kV/2mAZGF-60kV/2mA 
2Power frequency AC withstand voltage test complete setUnit1AC:5kVA/50kVLTYD-30kVA/50kV
3Frequency conversion series resonance test complete setUnit175KVA/75KV/1ALTZB-75KVA/75KV
TwoElectrical measuring instrument
1Loop resistance testerstation1DC:≥100ALTHL 
2Transformer volt-ampere characteristic testerstation1500V/5ALTFA-B
3Transformer DC Resistance Testerstation1DC:≤1ALTZR-5 
4Transformer ratio testerstation1DigitalLTBC-II 
5Circuit breaker characteristic testerstation1LT-3000 
6Ground Resistance Testerstation1LT2571
7Three-phase relay protection testerstation1Three-phase current, three-phase voltageLTJB-802 
ThreeCommonly used instruments
1Megohmmeterunit4DC: 500V and aboveLT2551 
4Clamp ammeterstation1
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